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What to Expect on Competition Day

The Miss Northern Lights and Miss Northern Lights' Teen is a one-day competition.  All contestants will arrive between 8:30 and 9:00am. Starting at 9:00am we will have opening announcements, learn walking patterns, have two talent run-throughs, compete in the interview competition, and then compete in the Miss Northern Lights Competition at 4:00pm.  There are no practices before the same-day event. Parents, friends, hairstylists or makeup artists are not allowed at the auditorium during rehearsals. 


Miss Northern Lights Contestants will compete in the following areas of competition: Private Interview,  On-Stage Question, Talent/HerStory,  Health & Fitness, and Evening Wear


Interviews will take place before the competition.  All other areas of competition will occur onstage during the pageant.


You may arrive with full, partial, or no make-up.  Please be aware that between learning walking patterns and interviewing, you may only receive an hour to get ready.  It’s a fast-paced day! A full schedule will be sent to you the week before the pageant, so you will know how much time you'll have to get ready. 



The Interview competition is on an individual basis.  Contestants will stand in front of a panel of five judges who will ask questions. These questions are designed to get to know each contestant. The questions will be about your personality, career and educational goals, your Community Service Initiative (CSI), your knowledge of the world you live in, and your knowledge of current events  and social issues.   All interviews will last a total of 10 minutes, with the first 30 seconds being a "pitch" or statement about your CSI, and then at the end of the interview, an optional 30-second closing statement. Contestants may stand behind or to the side of the podium that’s in the room, but not in front of it.    Contestant interview times will be determined by the number of contestants and your particular contestant number. Contestants should wear a professional outfit- dress, suit, jumpsuit, skirt & top, with heels. Your outfit should be professional, but also be age appropriate! Wear something that a young woman your age would find fashionable and would want to wear! 


Opening Number

During the opening number, each contestant will share her name, her school and what her career ambition is. This should be high-energy and confident! You will wear a cocktail dress, romper or jumpsuit in shades of blue, emerald purple, fuchsia/magenta or silver. (The idea is that you'll look like the Northern Lights on-stage). Opening number is not judged. Opening number will be a simple dance/ walking pattern combo. A practice video will be sent to you 2 weeks prior to the competition. 


On-Stage Question

On-Stage Question will take place immediately following the introductions. You will wear your opening number outfits for this competition. All questions will be about the contestant's Community Service Initiative.


Health & Fitness

Each contestant will write a brief (3-4 sentences) about their personal involvement/commitment to Health & Fitness. While the emcee is reading this, you will perform a short walking pattern/ routine to upbeat music. This walking pattern will be taught to you the day of competition. You may choose which poses you want to do during the routine. 



Each contestant will perform a talent selection, and will be able to rehearse one or two times during the morning. Talent selections can be dancing, singing, playing an instrument, reciting a comedic monologue, or whatever talent you may have. We've seen everything from opera, to cheer routines, to stand up comedy, to speed painting to ballet en pointe to tap dancing! Talents should be entertaining, age appropriate, and showcase your technical skill. Talent selection CANNOT exceed 90 seconds.  Please let us know what type of microphone you wish to use. 


Evening Gown

Each contestant will choose an evening gown to wear for this competition. The gown should be floor-length, and again, represent your personal style and be age appropriate.  The judges are looking for your on-stage presence, poise, confidence, grace, beauty and style. They are not looking for a gown- they are looking for the girl in the gown. Choose something that compliments your body and your personality.



Based on your scores from those areas of competition, a new  Miss Northern Lights and Miss Northern Lights Teen will be selected by the judges! We will also name a First Runner-Up.  Miss Northern Lights will work directly with the Miss Northern Lights director and committee during her year of service.

© 2016 Miss Northern Lights Organization. 

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